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This is my website containing Information about the Jutla's from Gandharan , my Hockey activities etc.       



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About Me

Our Family

My Hockey Times

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Gandharan's JUTLA's

Field Hockey

Microsoft® Exchange

MAILSweeper 4.3

RIM - Blackberry

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Greetings . . .

First of all, I would like to thanks all those JUTLA's from all over the world who have contacted me via this website.

This website also contain some tech-tips about things that I have some across in my time and found difficult to find in the first place or handy and hence decided to include them here.

I would like to thank all the JUTLA's of Gandhran who took time to come down to the family gathering and it was great to meet many other JUTLA's from the same pind. It would be great to meet everyother member of the JUTLA

YELLOW - Other Jutla Relatives
ORANGE - Our Closest Cousins
RED - Our Family